Sci-Hive is a collaborative platform designed to transform data points into branchable, informative journeys or organized networks of knowledge. Each data point can be tagged with an official ‘SCI’ marker when referenced from credible scientific sources, helping users recognize vetted material. With a rating and comment system, the public can engage, evaluate, and contribute to the relevance and quality of the information presented.
Mundus is an easily replicable symbol of global unity that carries the message: "We are in this together, so let’s build the future we deserve." Taking inspiration from Carl Sagan’s 'Pale Blue Dot,' the logo—a borderless, blue circle—reflects a vision of equality and cooperation. Rooted in the principles of the Circular Exchange System, it advocates for strategic access to resources, robust recycling in industrial processes, automation of repetitive tasks, education to reshape values, and the elimination of monetary dependency.
With the mission statement “Feasible plans withstand the burden of proof,” Terra Formus catalogs actionable solutions that address sustainability at every level. It evaluates the scale, cost, life cycles, resources, and waste associated with each solution, grouping them into comprehensive strategies to make change implementable. Through Terra Formus, users contribute solutions and build scalable strategies to “terra form” the world, one proven solution at a time.
The Blue Footer initiative calls for transparency in journalism by requesting that every news outlet include a blue URL link at the footer of each article, leading to the original source of information. This practice promotes source transparency, accelerates fact-checking, and ensures accountability in media, empowering readers to access authentic information. Journalists can participate by placing plain blue URL links at the end of their stories, while the public benefits from easier access to verified information.
Biodigester for Cooking and Gardening: The biodigester efficiently converts organic waste into two valuable outputs: methane gas for cooking and nutrient-rich humus for gardening. This dual-purpose system reduces waste while supporting both food production and energy needs.
Grid-Tied Solar Energy Installation: By connecting solar panels to the grid, this system generates renewable electricity, lowering energy costs and reducing the home’s carbon footprint, while potentially feeding surplus energy back to the community grid.